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Blessings In The Purse

Our “Blessings in the purse” initiative provides women in transitional housing (single moms, widows, and/or homeless women) small purses filled with feminine hygiene products, meal gift cards, resources & more. Through the generosity of our donors, we have established a Living Assistance Fund (LAF) and quarterly, a monetary contribution is made to one woman to assist with transitional housing needs. As we work to fullfill the great commission and hold fast to Matthew 25: 34-36, we invite you to join our efforts by becoming a donor. Your contribution will help us make a greater impact in the lives of women during a time they need it most.

Support our Living Assistance Fund by donating today.

Platinum Donor $100

Platnium Donor-Includes: 5 filled purses, 5 meals and contribution to our LAF (Living Assistance Fund). 

Includes: 5 filled purses, 5 meals and contribution to our LAF (Living Assistance Fund). 

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Gold Donor $75

Gold Donor-Includes: 3 filled purses, 3 meals and contribution to our LAF (Living Assistance Fund). 

Includes: 3 filled purses, 3 meals and contribution to our LAF (Living Assistance Fund). 

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Silver Donor $50

Silver Donor-Includes: 2 filled purses and 2 meals. 

Includes: 2 filled purses and 2 meals. 

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Bronze Sponsor $25

Bronze Donor-Includes: 1 filled purses and 1 meal.
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Includes: 1 filled purses and 1 meal.

Click here to donate any amount under $25.

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Church Girls always have a blessing in the purse.


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